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Child Safety Seat Program

May 8th, 2012

Your Contra Costa County Firefighters have instituted a Child Passenger Safety Program in 2011, which offers child seat check-ups and inspections for families residing in Contra Costa County. We are excited to add another much needed service to the communities we serve. We are able to provide this new service by joining the John Muir Health Child Safety Coalition; a group of local organizations committed to child safety. This group works together throughout Contra Costa County to offer car seat check-ups & inspections in different locations with various scheduling options for the public.
Since properly securing every child passenger is California State Law, neighborhood fire stations across the State have been receiving requests for help to ensure safe installation of child passenger seats. To do this, a National Certification is required to become a “Child Passenger Safety Technician” or CPST. Contra Costa County Fire Protection District’s Child Passenger Safety Program has certified technicians on duty each day who have obtained the CPST 2 year certification. Certification requires 40 hours of classroom and hands on instruction, culminating with each student needing to properly perform a series of different types of installations and inspections all performed under the watchful eye of a master instructor.
Our program which began in August 2011, is now an important part of the many outreach programs that the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District offers to the communities we serve. Appointments can be scheduled (see below) and a technician will contact you to schedule a time and fire station. *Note fire crews are always on duty and may be called to an emergency at any point in the service. In this case the firefighter who is working with you will contact you when they return to the station and finish the inspection, reschedule, or refer you to another coalition agency. Additionally, each quarter we will offer pre-scheduled appoints at a designated fire station, which will be announced a month in advance. These will be limited to 6 appointments during a three hour window. Finally, we will advertise and host an Annual Car Seat Event for drop-in inspections. This event will provide uninterrupted service and at least one technician for each vehicle. For all inspections please allow at least 30-45 minutes for each child seat. In a time when this program is being cut from other public safety agencies budgets, Contra Costa County Fire Protection District sees the importance and peace of mind this service provides to new families. We are hopeful that we can continue to provide this service in the future at no cost to the public.
To schedule an appointment you can either call the hotline at (925) 941-3326 or email us at We will check for messages daily and will get back to you usually within 48 hours to set a time and location that works best for you.
Hotline # (925) 941-3326 Email:

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