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Pittsburg House Fire Injures Occupant

March 19th, 2014

DATE: 03/18/2014
TYPE OF ALARM: Residential Structure Fire
LOCATION: 16 Cedarbrook Pl. Pittsburg
RESPONSE: 3 Engines, 2 Ladder Trucks, 1 Battalion Chief, 1 Ambulance, and a Safety Officer
ASSISTING AGENCIES: American Medical Response, Pittsburg PD, Red Cross, PG&E, & Animal Control


Contra Costa Fire Units from Pittsburg, Antioch, and Pittsburg responded to a residential structure fire at 16 Cedarbrook Pl. Engine 85 (Pittsburg) arrived at scene and reported smoke showing from the front door and roof of a 1 story home. The 5 occupants of the home were able to escape prior to our arrival. An ambulance was dispatched for one of the occupants who sustained injuries as a result of trying to fight the fire. Crews initiated an offensive strategy of fire attack, search, and horizontal ventilation. The fire was confined to the room of origin with significant smoke damage throughout the home. Firefighters located and removed a dog during search operations. Unfortunately, the dog could not be revived. The injured fire victim was transported to Sutter Delta Emergency Room by AMR Ambulance. There were no Firefighter Injuries. The family was provided with housing assistance from the American Red Cross. The cause of this fire is under investigation.