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Fire Sprinkler Activation Saves Man and Apartment

March 18th, 2014

DATE: 03/18/2014
TYPE OF ALARM: Fire Alarm with sprinkler activation
LOCATION: 1780 Chester Dr. Pittsburg
RESPONSE: 1 Quint, 1 Engine, 1 Battalion Chief, and a Fire Investigator
ASSISTING AGENCIES: American Medical Response


Quint 84 (Pittsburg) responded to a reported Fire Alarm due to water flow at the Columbia Park Manor Senior Apartments in Pittsburg. Upon arrival, the crew found significant smoke and a fire sprinkler flowing in a ground floor apartment unit. The crew evacuated the sole occupant of the apartment and requested additional resources. Engine 85 (Pittsburg), Battalion 8 (Pittsburg), and an AMR ambulance responded as additional resources. The occupant sustained minor injuries due to the fire. The resident was treated by Fire District Paramedics and was transported to a local Hospital by AMR ambulance. Firefighters confirmed the fire was extinguished, ventilated smoke, and controlled the water flow from the fire sprinkler. The fire involved a chair and contents in the living room area. This fire was quickly contained and mostly extinguished by a single fire sprinkler. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

The Columbia Park Senior Apartments is a large two story multi-family dwelling with over 200 residents. The fire alarm and sprinkler system operated as designed and averted what would have been a certain tragedy. Despite the effectiveness of the fire sprinkler, the small fire produced a large amount of toxic smoke that impacted the apartment unit and the common hallway. With the exception of the unit involved, all residents were able to return to their apartments after a brief evacuation.