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New Fire Explorer program

January 12th, 2012


The Contra Costa County Fire District Explorer Program is designed for young adults between the ages of 14 to 21 that live in Contra Costa County who are interested in learning about a career in the Fire Service. The program is a joint venture with the Boy Scouts of America’s Learning for Life. In addition to learning about the Fire Service, the Explorer program’s main goal is to provide the young adult with a sense of responsibility to their neighborhood through on-going community related activities.

An Explorer program is typically the first opportunity for most young people interested in a career in the fire service to see an in depth view at what it takes to become a professional firefighter.

You will be enveloped in fire service etiquette, culture and the wonderful history of the fire service. You will be exposed to intensive training and stressful scenarios to begin the firm foundation required to become a professional firefighter. This is not an easy job; we are looking for the future of our organization, and will have the highest standards.

After meeting the program’s entrance requirements, you will be given an opportunity to attend a minimum of 12 drills in a year. At the drills, you will be trained by Professional Firefighters and will learn: fire fighting skills, hose lay evolutions, ladder techniques, salvage operations, wildland fire fighting procedures, proper use of fire fighting tools and equipment, breathing apparatus use and other related subjects. Upon completing various certification requirements, you will be qualified to ride along on an Engine or Truck and respond to actual fire and medical emergencies. During these 12 and 24 hour ride a-longs, you will use the training you received in the monthly drills to assist Department personnel on emergency incidents and participate in other station activities and duties.