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Why are our Firefighters wearing pink?

October 9th, 2013

For the third year in a row, your local Contra Costa County Fire Protection District firefighters will be wearing pink to help bring awareness to National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is estimated there are over 225,000 new cases each year and over 39,000 women will die from this disease. Approximately 2,050 men will be [...]


3am Fire Destroys Martinez Car Dealership

September 6th, 2013

At 3:16 am fire crews from the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District responded to a reported commercial structure fire at 2540 Pacheco Blvd. in Martinez. Initial 911 reports included several callers stating flames were shooting through the roof of the building with several vehicles on fire adjacent to the structure. Upon arrival, less than [...]


Fire District Initiates Two Person Squad Pilot Program

September 5th, 2013

At 8:00 am on Friday, September 6, 2013 the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District will initiate staffing of a two (2) person squad at Fire Station 1 in downtown Walnut Creek. The unit will primarily serve the communities of Walnut Creek and Lafayette. The staffing of this unit is a part of a 90 [...]



August 14th, 2013

Fitch and Associates, LLC will be hosting a series of town hall meetings to engage citizens regarding current and future Contra Costa County Fire Protection District service delivery models. In February 2013, the Board of Supervisors, serving as the Board of Directors of the Fire District, approved a contract with Fitch to conduct a study [...]


July 1st – Mutliple Significant Fire Incidents

July 2nd, 2013

Contra Costa County Fire Protection District crews managed several significant incidents occurring simultaneously with limited resources throughout communities in their service area. At 1:15pm a vegetation fire reported on Kirker Pass Road between Concord and Clayton quickly grew requiring a 2nd alarm response for a total of 10 engines and multiple chief officers and other [...]


Go See a Fireworks Show…..Don’t Use Fireworks Yourself

July 2nd, 2013

Fire District hotline provides information on professional fireworks events planned throughout the County.


Pool Safety Day is Tomorrow – Events Planned!

June 27th, 2013

June Pool Safety Day is Tomorrow!! The Contra Costa Pool Safety Council presents a fun and informative day at the Pleasant Hill Aquatic Park and at the Prewett Family Water Park in Antioch. Activities include: • REACH helicopter landing, aircraft tour, meet the crew • Fire engine and ambulance displays and tours • Lifeguard demonstrations [...]


Man Rescued from Walnut Creek House Fire

June 24th, 2013

Contra Costa County Fire Protection District crews rescued a man from his burning home on First Avenue in Walnut Creek this afternoon at 1:15pm. The call for this residential structure fire came in via a cellular 911 caller passing by reporting black smoke from the back of the home. The first arriving crew reported a [...]


Large Pile Fire at Pittsburg Recycling Facility

June 24th, 2013

At approximately 1130 pm on Saturday, June 22nd, the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District was dispatched to a commercial fire alarm for a water flow from a fire sprinkler system at the Contra Costa Waste Service Recycling Center at 1300 Loveridge Road in Pittsburg. A column of smoke was seen by the responding engine [...]


Kitchen fire leads to attic fire in Concord home

June 24th, 2013

The Contra Costa County Fire Protection District responded to a report of smoke from the eaves of a single story home in the 4600 block of Springwood Way in Concord at approximately 9:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 23rd. The first arriving crew found smoke in the attic. The occupants of the home exited the house [...]