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Concord Man Saved by CPR and Firefighter/Paramedics

April 2nd, 2013

CPR Saves Lives - Learn Today

CPR Saves Lives

March 25th – Contra Costa County Fire Protection District – Station 6, downtown Concord

Engine 6 responded to a 47 year old male that collapsed in the kitchen while hosting a dinner party for his parents and family. Emergency dispatchers from the Contra Costa County Regional Communications Center of the Fire District directed the father, who called 911, to start CPR compressions on his son.

Engine 6 arrived within a few minutes and Firefighter/Paramedics began providing Advanced Life Support care to the man. The firefighters took over providing CPR, gave several shocks with their heart defibrillator, and administered lifesaving medications with an I.V. placed in the man’s arm. The man regained a pulse and crews continued to administer care in the back of the ambulance on the way to a local hospital. By the time they arrived at the emergency department the man had a strong pulse, regained blood pressure, and was breathing. He spent several days in an induced coma with hypothermic therapy and has since woken up with almost a full recovery.

The three firefighter/paramedics from Engine 6 stopped by to visit with him and his family who told the crew they are forever grateful to them for saving his life.

An outstanding example of the coordinated emergency medical system (EMS) at work in Contra Costa County! EMS is not a singular component – it takes the coordination of trained emergency medical dispatchers, firefighter/paramedics with a rapid response, ambulance crews, and hospital emergency department staff to make saving lives a reality!

Want to learn CPR and save a life? Click here for details!