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Three Acre Fire on San Pablo Dam Road

October 29th, 2013

DATE: October 28, 2013
TYPE OF INCIDENT: 3 Acre Vegetation Fire
LOCATION: San Pablo Ave near San Pablo Reservoir
RESPONSE: 14 Engines, 1 Water Tender, 4 Battalion Chiefs
ASSISTING AGENCIES: Contra Costa County Fire Protection District, Richmond Fire Department, Cal Fire, Moraga-Orinda Fire Protection District, EBMUD Fire, East Bay Regional Parks Fire Department, CHP, East Bay Regional Parks Police



Control Time: 16:50
Property Saved: Adjacent Properties
Cause: Under investigation


At 12:35 pm the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District and Richmond Fire Department responded to a reported vegetation fire near San Pablo Reservoir. When crews arrived on scene they found a well-established wildland fire burning in steep terrain fueled by brush and eucalyptus trees. Additional assistance was called from Cal Fire, Moraga-Orinda Fire Protection District, EBMUD Fire, East Bay Regional Parks Fire Department, CHP, and the East Bay Regional Parks Police Department. San Pablo Dam Road was closed for several hours while crews worked to extinguish the blaze. The fire was brought under control by 1:30 pm and crews remained on scene extinguishing hot spots until 4:50 pm. The fire was kept to three acres in size. East Bay Regional Parks crews remained on scene as fire watch checking for hot spots into the evening. No personnel were injured during suppression efforts.

This fire is a reminder that the Bay Area is still experiencing dry conditions that support vegetation fires, especially in the wildland-urban interface zones of the East Bay hills. We will be in this period until sustained rains move into the area – these are not expected in the next week and as such this fire should serve as a reminder for all residents to continue to take precautions against wildfire including maintaining defensible space around homes and structures, maintaining spark arrestors on chimneys, and removing overhanging branches and any dead leaf or vegetation material from roofs.

Media Contact: Lewis Broschard, Fire Marshal/PIO
Phone: 925-941-3520
