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Pittsburg House Fire Injures Occupant

March 19th, 2014

DATE: 03/18/2014 TIME OF ALARM: 22:59 TYPE OF ALARM: Residential Structure Fire LOCATION: 16 Cedarbrook Pl. Pittsburg RESPONSE: 3 Engines, 2 Ladder Trucks, 1 Battalion Chief, 1 Ambulance, and a Safety Officer ASSISTING AGENCIES: American Medical Response, Pittsburg PD, Red Cross, PG&E, & Animal Control TOTAL FIRE PERSONNEL AT SCENE: 17 Summary: Contra Costa Fire [...]


Fire Sprinkler Activation Saves Man and Apartment

March 18th, 2014

DATE: 03/18/2014 TIME OF ALARM: 07:59 TYPE OF ALARM: Fire Alarm with sprinkler activation LOCATION: 1780 Chester Dr. Pittsburg RESPONSE: 1 Quint, 1 Engine, 1 Battalion Chief, and a Fire Investigator ASSISTING AGENCIES: American Medical Response TOTAL FIRE PERSONNEL AT SCENE: 8 Summary: Quint 84 (Pittsburg) responded to a reported Fire Alarm due to water [...]


Marijuana Grow Operation Sparks Two Alarm Fire in Pittsburg

January 24th, 2014

At 1:10 am this morning Contra Costa County Fire Protection District units responded to the report of a roof on fire at 2610 Tampico Drive in Pittsburg. Our first arriving unit found the attic and second floor of a two story home completely engulfed in fire. Defensive tactics were immediately employed to prevent the houses [...]


Two Alarm Fire Claims Life of Walnut Creek Man Friday Night

January 12th, 2014

A two alarm fire claimed the life of a Walnut Creek resident late Friday night. The Contra Costa County Fire Protection District was dispatched to a reported fire in a two story residential dwelling at 190 Hilltop Crescent in the unincorporated area of Walnut Creek at approximately 9:38 pm on Friday, January 10th. Fire crews [...]


Antioch House Fire Displaces Residents

December 13th, 2013

At 11:27 PM last night on December 12th crews from the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District responded to a report of a structure fire at 405 Minner Ave in Antioch. Upon arrival the first engine found a fully involved travel trailer on the side of the house. Fire had also extended into the attic [...]


Downtown Martinez Fire Displaces Residents

November 20th, 2013

At approximately 8:15 am on the morning of November 19, 2013 Contra Costa County Fire Protection District units from Martinez, Pacheco, Pleasant Hill, Concord, and Walnut Creek responded to a commercial structure fire in the City of Martinez at 701 Main Street. Responding crews reported a column of smoke from the station and upon arrival [...]


Change your clock this weekend….and change the battery in your smoke alarm!

November 1st, 2013

Don’t forget to change your clock this weekend……and don’t forget to change your smoke alarm battery, too! The Contra Costa County Fire Protection District wants to remind everyone to change the batteries in their residential smoke alarms when they change their clocks this weekend. When you change your clocks, remember to change your smoke alarm [...]


Three Acre Fire on San Pablo Dam Road

October 29th, 2013

DATE: October 28, 2013 TIME OF ALARM: 12:35 TYPE OF INCIDENT: 3 Acre Vegetation Fire LOCATION: San Pablo Ave near San Pablo Reservoir RESPONSE: 14 Engines, 1 Water Tender, 4 Battalion Chiefs ASSISTING AGENCIES: Contra Costa County Fire Protection District, Richmond Fire Department, Cal Fire, Moraga-Orinda Fire Protection District, EBMUD Fire, East Bay Regional Parks [...]


2 Alarm Fire in Walnut Creek Displaces 13

October 20th, 2013

At 1:44 am this morning, units from the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District were dispatched to a reported structure fire in a multi-story multi-family residential apartment building in the 500 block of N. Civic Drive in Walnut Creek. Fire units arrived to find 3 to 4 apartment units on the first and second story [...]


Smoke Alarms Alert Occupants in San Pablo Fire

October 15th, 2013

Contra Costa County Fire Protection District Engine 70 (San Pablo), Engine 69 (El Sobrante), along with Richmond Fire Department Engine 66 and Truck 68 and El Cerrito Fire Department Engine 71 responded to a residential structure fire at 1414 Amador Street in San Pablo at 12:25pm on Monday, October 14th. Engine 70 arrived at the [...]